4 comments on “More Sins of Sodom and Gomorrah from Sefer HaYashar (Jasher) That You Probably Didn’t Know About…

  1. If you want your children to be holy, it’s essential to tell them what happened in the past in relation to what’s happening now. If they learn and understand, they will never imitate it.

    • In addition, the people in these cities claimed victimhood, complained as the crybabies they were, took “legal” action, and carried on with their own ungodly customs so much so that their justice system deemed them as “legal” when clearly they were not. It is just like today. Sadly the world is repeating the same behavior and attitudes of the past instead of learning from them and repenting as they justly should.

  2. Sad about lots daughter paltish

    Why didn’t he protect her 😔 😪 😪

    He let he own daughter be sacrifice
    He suck don’t like him

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